91EK Family

We are the Indonesian Freebanders


Bandung, West Java


Bandung, West Java


Padang, West Sumatera


Senggigi Beach, Lombok

91EK204 - Ari

Semarang, Central Java



CQ…CQ DX. This is 91EK

91EK wishes you a blessed Ramadan fasting month.

Welcome to 91EK Online

You are visiting the website of 91EK Indonesian Freebanders, a part of the Echo Kilo Radio Community, a global DX Radio Community. The code name "91EK" represents Division 91, which is Indonesia. Echo Kilo is one of the largest DXers Community in the world, with a lot of its members coming from Indonesia. We hope this website serves as an open and beneficial platform for communication and information for all radio enthusiasts who enjoy long-distance communication (DX) on the FreeBand High Frequency (HF) - 27 MHz.

Terima kasih, all the best, 73. See you on the air and warm regards from Indonesia

Friends Stay Together!


Gambar Dikelilingi Teks Contoh Gambar

Start Date: February 7th. 2025
End Date: March 31st. 2025
Echo Kilo is proudly present of our first Special Activation in WISCONSIN. The Activation will be made by 2EK106 Rico. Log Book limited only to 300 QSOs. Please be so kind to make only 1 QSO for 1 Station. You can check whether your contact is already ITL or not through our website. Please select the EK Log menu to view it.

Happy DX Activation

Pendaftaran Anggota - Khusus Indonesia

Gambar Dikelilingi Teks Contoh Gambar

Komunitas DX Echo Kilo Indonesia - 91EK, terbuka untuk siapa saja, pengguna Radio HF yang berdomisili di Indonesia. Untuk melakukan registrasi keanggotaan 91EK, silakan mengisi GForm ini -> Daftar

Selamat bergabung dan terima kasih.
91EK158-Indarto (Country Manager)

91EK162 Travel Notes

Gambar Dikelilingi Teks Contoh Gambar

Kang Asep, 91EK162, went to Europe to visit various countries and had a chance to meet some Echo Kilo members across the continent.

On January 7, 2025, the "roving ambassador of 91EK," Asep, went to Hamburg and met Herr Toni Volker, World Coordinator of EK DX Community in Germany.

Our DXers

Band Condition

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