Toni 91Ek219

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Toni Partono - 91EK219

Hello I am Toni 91EK219, I live in the small town of Salatiga, which is located at the foot of Mount Merbabu at an altitude of 540 meters above sea level, which is quite comfortable to live in.

I haven’t joined the Echo Kilo community for long so I’m still learning a lot. To support activities here, the radio equipment that I have had for a long time includes KENWOOD TS-940S, ICOM IC-760 and YAESU FT-80C and FT-450. Meanwhile, the antenna system that I use is a 6 element 3 band Yagi from Hy-Gain TH6DXX production on an 18m high support pole as well as several wire antennas for other bands.

My Working Station

My Location

My Antennas

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