Iwan 91EK889
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Hi my name is Iwan, call sign 91EK889, I became a licensed operator in the early 2022. My radio equipment consists of a Yaesu FT1000MP MARK V, ICOM IC-7600, 756 Pro, Kenwood TS850s, etc. D, Ameritron ALS-600 amplifier and a Cuscraft-XM 240 Yagi OB7 – 3 bander antenna. I also have a 2 element Mono band Yagi for 40 Meters and a 1 element mono band Yagi for 80 Meters. My favorite part of this hobby is chasing DX. I hope you stop by and say hi!
As for the other part of my life, I am married to my wonderful wife. I enjoy outdoor activities such as traveling, hiking, and spending time with family and friends as well as spending time with the amateur radio community and elsewhere.
If you’ve heard me in a band please contact me, I’d love to chat with you
Yours faithfully
To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.