who we are
91EK – Number ONE Radio DX Community in Indonesia

Many people around the world enjoy communicating using radios. Despite the rapid advancement of communication technology today, with digital modes becoming prevalent, classic methods—utilizing radio waves—remain a favorite due to the unique thrill they offer.
Communicating directly via radio with voice, using the Single Side Band (SSB) mode on high frequencies (HF), engaging in freebanding, and utilizing the English language provide both an exhilarating experience and a challenge for Freeband DXers.
Preparation for communication is no simple task, as it requires several steps before transmitting. From setting up the station equipment—radio, SWR/tuner, cables, power supply, tall masts, and large antennas—to honing the personal skills of the radio operator, it all plays a critical role.
A DXer not only needs to understand the technical aspects of radio but also must be skilled in communication. Mastery of English and the technical terms used in amateur radio communication, including Q-codes, is essential as these form the foundation for effective DXing (long-distance communication).
Propagation poses another crucial challenge. No matter how advanced the radio equipment, how powerful the transmitter, or how sophisticated the antenna, if propagation conditions are unfavorable (closed), DXing cannot take place. Conversely, when propagation is open, even modest equipment can allow an operator to communicate with someone thousands of kilometers away. The modulation sound heard through the Single Side Band mode also has a distinct and unique character.
These factors are the magnetic allure that draws DXers worldwide to continue communicating on high-frequency SSB, particularly on the 27 MHz band, to fulfill their passion for radio communication.
This scenario also applies to HF Freeband radio users and enthusiasts in Indonesia. They join both global and local DX radio communities. One well-known DX radio community with a strong reputation worldwide is Echo Kilo (EK). This DX radio community is favored by DXers because of its freedom, lack of membership fees, and its slogan, “Friends stay together.” This philosophy of friendship resonates deeply with the values of radio enthusiasts.
The 91EK members are spread across various locations throughout Indonesia. Notably, there are no membership fees to join 91EK Indonesia.
Do you want to re-register you membership ? – click -> here
Interested in joining as a new member ? – contact our Manager 91EK158
91EK158 – The Manager: Indarto
Call/WA: +62817-6705-200
World Management of Echo Kilo
13EK111 - Toni Volker - EK Coordinator 1EK010 - Antonio - EK QSL Manager | 1ek010antonio@gmail.com 1EK156 - Mauro - EK QSL Manager 2EK010 - Andrew - USA/North America Manager| 2echokilo010@gmail.com 3EK001 - Márcio - Vice Area Manager South Amerika | butina.araujo@gmail.com 6EK011 - Cesar - Area Manager South America | cesarrubendiaz@gmail.com 13EK266 - Thorsten - Website Admin/Social Media Admin ek266@outlook.de 13EK666 - Marco - Manager Germany Facebook/WhatsApp Admin | devilsdog@live.de 13EK999 - Marcel - Website Admin - | marcel.grosser@t-online.de 20EK020 - Frank - Area Manager Scandinavian and Balticum 20echokilo020@gmail.com 43EK910 - Micheal - Area Manager Pacific - ausy1@bigpond.com 44EK786 - Nasri - South Africa Area Manager 55EK010 - Fancis - EK Designer 91EK158 - Indarto - Area Manager Asia/Indonesia 91EK505 - Aim - Vice Area Manager Asia/Indonesia 102EK101 - Bader - Middle East Area Manager
Bruno Abdul
Terimakasih Om Indar 91EK158, Om Aim 91EK505 atas terwujudnya website ini. 73s de 91EK191 Pantai Senggigi Lombok NTB.Alex Williams
I have been involved in DXing and observing DX Clubs for quite some time. In my opinion, the 91EK website has an interesting design and a unique style of its own, unlike other DX club websites. Congratulations and best of luck—keep up your creativity !, Good works