Aim 91EK505
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Hi, this is Aim. I live in the city of Padang, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. I enjoy voice DXing because it lets me connect directly and gain new friends worldwide.
At home, I use several radios: Yaesu FT1000MP, Yaesu 101ZD, Kenwood TS130, and Zastone ZT-7500. The SDR radio is something I haven’t fully mastered yet. For my antenna, I use a 2×4 Diamond Quad. My antenna is located 15 meters from the ground. This homebrew antenna has proven to be a very effective antenna with high db gain.
Padang, where I live, is a coastal city on the western shore of Sumatra Island. It is well-known for its natural beauty and especially its cuisine. Padang food is famous and a favorite culinary delight for Indonesians.
West Sumatra is surrounded by mountains and the sea. We have several active volcanoes, four beautiful lakes, and exotic islands that are incredibly stunning. One of them is in the Mentawai Islands, a region renowned for its surfing waves, making it the number one surfing destination in the world.