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Toni 91Ek219

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Toni Partono - 91EK219

Hello I am Toni 91EK219, I live in the small town of Salatiga, which is located at the foot of Mount Merbabu at an altitude of 540 meters above sea level, which is


Raddy 91EK223


Raddy Irmawan lives in Bandung, West Java.  He is a pediatrician specialist for children diseases who has accumulated extensive experience in treating and managing various children's health conditions. He runs his own Clinic. Raddy's clinic is more

Aim 91EK505


Hi, this is Aim 91EK505 from Indonesia. I joined EK in early 2024 because I like to do the DXing on 11m FreeBand.

The communication there has it's own  style and the propagation on the band is quite chalenging.

My Working Station
